I can't access the XerainGaming MineCraft server even though it was working yesterday

Solution 1:

XerainGaming said they'd close the server.

The following post was made yesterday on the website:

Hey everyone!

This week some issues came to our attention involving the server. Over the many months that the server has been active thousands of users have logged on to meet new people, build, have fun & sometimes grief.

As many of you know ‘Gyldenglad’ runs the server on his own PC & with the server being up 24/7 this has been a very generous luxury for the XerainGaming viewers. At the time that the server was created, Andre & I were in no situation to afford or run a server, not only would it have been too expensive but it would have required too much time. Thankfully the generosity of Gyldenglad & the admin/mods enabled our viewers to have a safe, fun place to meet and play.

Earlier this week it came to our attention that the electric costs for running the server & the time it takes to update the server & plugins is too much. At this current point in time it is not feasible to have a running server that can hold up to 80 players.

We have also recently started to see a backlash from banned players. There has recently been a rise in the amount of players who have been banned on the server, unsubbing from our channel, down-voting videos & posting negative or irrelevant comments.

In short, the reasons why we have had to close the server:

  • Costs to run the server
  • Time to update the server
  • Backlash from banned players

A huge thank you to every player who has made the server a huge success. Also a huge thank you to everyone who has hosted & moderated the server. It has been amazing to be able to join and play alongside you all, and incredible to see how many people made connections & formed friendships with people around the world.


I wanted to double check on the forum, but the following statement is given:

The forum will return soon!

With the recent closure of the XerainGaming server we are making changes to the forum.

This means the server is down right now and this is probably the reason you can't play there.

EDIT: Sky Does Minecraft should be online. The XerainGaming server is indeed offline.