What's a good desktop project/to-do manager? [closed]

Solution 1:

I haven't searched for exactly the same thing as you, but I did recently look for a new to-do/calendar app. After testing half a dozen programs out, I chose EssentialPIM, and can report that it meets most of your requirements.

  • Yes: it is a living project.
  • Yes: it is a desktop app.
  • Maybe: I've never used MS Project or other project software, but there are to-dos.
  • Sort of: tasks can't be divided into sub-tasks, but you can make notes hierarchically.
  • Yes: tasks with time/date are displayed on the calendar page.
  • Yes: calendar and contacts features are both present.
  • Yes: I found the interface to be completely intuitive.

If EssentialPIM doesn't work for you, well, most of the other apps I tried out are listed at this SU question. Hopefully one of them fits your needs better.