Outlook close to tray [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Keep outlook 2010 open

Ok, I'm stuck using outlook in the office 2010 and one thing I'll always rant about outlook in any version is that when I press the X button it goes away.

I mean, I know the X button is supposed to close the app, it's the standard and all that, but email is (sadly) very critical, as well as meeting requests and reminders, outlook should not be closed so freaking easily. I mean, Live Messenger is not so critical but it has this feature built in and on by default.

Is there a way to close outlook to the tray, addons, vba, settings, reghack, anything?

I know there is minimize to tray and I've been searching the web but could not find anything useful.

Solution 1:

There is article and addon to prevent closing outlook by hooking the close event and author claims that it works well on outlook2007. haven't tested this one personally


and addon -> http://weblogs.asp.net/avnerk/attachment/2240289.ashx

Solution 2:

One side route to get this functionality I've found is that if you have a minimized window that is hidden to task bar then open a second window and close that outlook stays running.

Just use the quick launch icon every time you want to get back into outlook. You can close these windows as you will because you have the 'Prime' window running in the system tray.

If you want to close outlook just right-click/close or open up that last window and close it.

Solution 3:

Whilst it is not a direct solution Trayer is a util which allows any app to be minimised to the systray - but it includes an option to disable the Close button on a per app basis.

Disable Window's Close (X) Button

If you find yourself closing an application by accident too easily instead of minimize it and hide it, this tweak can help.

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