How do I connect two computers with a LAN cable?

I have two machines - Windows XP and a laptop using Windows 7. I connected them with a WLAN cable.

On the Windows XP machine, I set the IP address to On the Windows 7 laptop, I set the IP address to

The laptop can see the Windows XP machine, but Windows XP machine cannot see the Windows 7 machine. But this does NOT concern me. I want to move the files from my desktop (Windows XP) to Windows 7 (laptop). That's why I'm going through all this.

The problem is that when I try to connect from Windows 7 to Windows XP machine, I get this window:

alt text

I don't understand what username/password is needed. I use none on the Windows XP machine. I tried all usernames - no success.

Please explain in deep details how to solve my problem so I can connect to my Windows XP machine.

EDIT: Maybe this can help: the Windows XP machine is named 'I' and 'Проданов III' is the name of the laptop. Both computers share one workgroup - WORKGROUP.

  1. Find your username for I
    • Ctrl-Alt-Delete, it may show you the username as "you are logged in as I\USERNAME", or it will bring up the Task Manager.
    • If you see task manager, click on Users tab, that will give you the name that's logged in.
  2. Set a password
    • Your account on I must have a password.
    • Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts, then select your account and set a password.
    • While you're there, make sure this user is an administrator - it remove a lot of permission problems
  3. After setting the password, reboot. Always reboot when in doubt.
  4. Try connecting again from laptop
    • Username is I\USERNAME, whatever you found in step 1
    • Password is the password you just set