Boot process of Android installed in VirtualBox seems to get stuck

Solution 1:

A YouTube user by the name foodisgood1989 has posted the following solution which has fixed this error for me:

In the system tab under settings for the android machine uncheck "Hardware clock in utc time" in the display tab set graphics controller to "VBoxVGA" and enable 3d hardware acceleration.

Solution 2:

You are missing many steps:

1) When you see the selection press e on keyboard(For editing). [ You will see a line after it ]

2) Replace quiet with "nomodeset xforcevesa" (without commas). [ Then press b for boot ]

3) Your android will boot correctly only one time. [ Android will start running ]

4) Now press (Alt + F1) to launch console.

5) Type : mkdir /mnt/sda

6) Type : mount /dev/block/sda1 /mnt/sda

7) Type : vi /mnt/sda/grub/menu.lst [ You can search use of vi on Google ]

8) Replace quiet with "nomodeset xforcevesa" (without commas).

9) Press Esc, and :wq

10) Type reboot.[ Your android will work fine ]

Solution 3:

Your Lenovo ThinkPad T400 has an Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 8GB DDR3 RAM. You allocated only 1GB Base Memory to the Android guest OS, but Android-x86 VirtualBox How To recommends that you allocate at least 2GB of RAM to the Android guest OS. For optimal performance, make sure you have enabled either VT-x or AMD-V in your host operating system's BIOS. The recommended starting size of 8GB is enough for creating a new VM. Click through the rest of the options for creating your hard disk. By default, your installation of Android-x86 will be able to automatically connect to the internet.

For Ubuntu 19.04 and earlier an alternative to installing Android in VirtualBox is in this answer. Anbox has >=4GB RAM recommended hardware requirements. I was able to install Anbox successfully and run apps in it.