Where can I find a package for "project looking Glass"? ("The Java desktop")

I really really want to find this package. Because after I saw the youtube clip I realized it's just one of those things I must have done before I die.

This tutorial would be great if the repository were online.

My question is:

Where can I find the file, and how can I install it without changing my current desktop?

The project was called "project looking glass" and was released in 2007. It is now an "inactive open source project", according to its Wikipedia article.

by using my answer I managed to make a boot able device and

I had an error while booting so I will ask that question on https://unix.stackexchange.com/ .

Solution 1:

Found this link for some source and additional info: http://java.net/projects/lg3d/

You can get the software by using subversion

sudo apt-get install subversion

Enter the command:

svn co https://svn.java.net/svn/lg3d~svn

Solution 2:

This credit should be all on @takkat and @octavianDamiean.

@Takkat He found this ISO almost immediately after I posted this question! And he try to use Virtual VM, but it didn't work so we had to re think this problem.

I try to install the ISO on the ubuntu "start up disc creator" but it failed so I asked @octavianDamiean. He said throw this question what I should do to boot from the ISO through a USB-stick.