How to disable emoji on Chinese keyboard in OS X? (Related: disabling emoji systemwide)
Solution 1:
The following method is produced on OS X 10.9.
The emoji definition file is at /usr/share/mecabra/zh/common/emoji.plist
You just replace it with an empty plist file (back it up first). The input method will not start again if you simply remove or rename the file. I use the following Python code:
from plistlib import dump
dump({}, open('emoji.plist', 'wb'))
The Python version I use is 3.4. You have to use sudo to replace the file.
Then you reload the input method by doing killall SCIM
, and then activate the input method again. If the SCIM process fails to start, log out and log in again. Now the Chinese input method would be emoji-free.
PS: I like the emoji feature. Emoji is the first reason I use the Apple Chinese input method rather than other third party ones.