Any new recommended settings for Mail and Gmail (post Mavericks update)?

After applying the Mavericks Update for Mail 1.0, I'm still having the same problems: Gmail works great on iPhone/iPad/, but OS X Mail still does not reflect any changes made on other devices. Also, the recommended settings for Apple Mail on Google's website are uselessly outdated.

Are there any new, up-to-date recommended settings for Apple Mail and Gmail to make them play nicer, has anyone published a good comprehensive blog or anything? (Current as of AFTER the release of the update?)

Here's what I'd do:

NOTE: I tend to rename folders and prefix them with a '#' instead of moving them. Do whichever you'd prefer.

Delete gmail accounts from Close mail and go to ~/Library/Mail. Move it somewhere (delete it later if all goes well). Go to ~/Library/Containers/, and move Go to ~/Library/Preferences/, and move* Run Mail, and set your accounts up. Go to Mail -> Preferences -> Accounts.

For each gmail account:

  • Turn off Junk Mail.
  • Give them a good name so you can tell them apart.
  • In the SMTP settings, make sure 'use only this server' is checked.
  • In the SMTP settings -> Edit SMTP server list -> give it a good description, change the port to 587, make sure credentials are filled in and SSL is checked.
  • Mailbox behaviours - all checked except junk mail. I set dropdown boxes to never, never, and one month old.
  • Advanced - IMAP path prefix should be '[Gmail]', IDLE checked.
  • I tend to also go to Viewing, and set it back to classic layout. I like enabling the bold unread messages. Then I'll customize my columns.

    Finally, once your email begins to download you'll need to map the sent/drafts/trash folders properly. Send an email and a 'Sent Messages' folder will be created if it doesn't already exist. This is the one Mail uses but not the one gmail/iPhone will use. So click on Sent Mail, and go to the Mailbox menu -> Use this Mailbox for ... -> Sent. Do the same with Trash and Drafts.

    Now if you do have the sent messages folder, I recommend logging in to the gmail web interface at, and just move all of those messages to the correct sent folder. Takes about 2 seconds in, but will take forever if you try and do the same thing from

    Wait for everything to sync up, test sending/receiving from your computer, iPhone, iPad, etc. Make sure the mappings are working out and everything goes where its supposed to.

    If you get sick of, go and buy MailMate (, which is my new favourite mail client.