Ansible: Pbrun not able to execute

I have the below inventory file


and the playbook file

- name: Upgrade Java Version to all the hosts
  hosts: all
    - name: run simple command
      shell: java -version 2>&1 | grep version | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/"//g'
      register: javav
    - name: remove the currently installed java
      become: true
      become_method: "pbrun"
      shell: |
        mv /usr/bin/java  ~/bckup_java_exe
        mv /usr/java/ ~/bckup_java

Now when I run the ansible playbook it connects to the ssh host and is also able to run the java -version .. command successfully but not able to run the mv command as it needs pbrun

when I remove become: true from playbook it shows Permission error

: Permission denied", "mv: cannot move `/usr/java/' to

And when I do not remove become: true it gives some other error, and it is not working either

I do not see that you have set become_method: pbrun anywhere. This is required.