Ansible - can't refer to module parameter value

If you refer to the structure that debug outputs you can see that is clearly wrong, because the only keys at the top level are msg, changed, and results.

When you run a task in a loop, the results are stored as a list under the results key of the registered variable. To access that particular result, you would do something like

Hardcoding an index like this is generally not what you want, though, so you should instead do something to select the result you want. (myfs.results | reject('skipped') | list | first).lv would retrieve lv for the first non-skipped result.

Or, of course, you could make this easier on yourself by not looping in the first task:

    - name: Get filesystem values
        vg: "{{ mount_dev_split.0 }}"
        lv: "{{ mount_dev_split.1 ~ lv_name_suffix }}"
        mount_dev: "{{ (ansible_facts.mounts | selectattr('mount', 'equalto', MT) | list).0.device }}"
        mount_dev_split: "{{ (mount_dev | basename).split('-') }}"
        lv_name_suffix: "{{ ('-' ~ mount_dev_split.3 | default('')) if '--' in mount_dev else '' }}"
      register: myfs

    - debug:
        msg: "{{ }}"