How to select last two characters of a string

You can pass a negative index to .slice(). That will indicate an offset from the end of the set.

var member = "my name is Mate";

var last2 = member.slice(-2);

alert(last2); // "te"

EDIT: 2020: use string.slice(-2) as others say - see below.

now 2016 just string.substr(-2) should do the trick (not substring(!))

taken from MDN


str.substr(start[, length])



Location at which to begin extracting characters. If a negative number is given, it is treated as strLength + start where strLength is the length of the string (for example, if start is -3 it is treated as strLength - 3.) length Optional. The number of characters to extract.

EDIT 2020

MDN says

Warning: Although String.prototype.substr(…) is not strictly deprecated (as in "removed from the Web standards"), it is considered a legacy function and should be avoided when possible. It is not part of the core JavaScript language and may be removed in the future.