'Start rollout to beta' disabled in Play Store Developer Console

I am ready to send my first app to beta testers, so i click on 'Manage Beta' > 'Manage testers'

add a new List with one tester in it.

and 'Save' and 'Resume'

APK is uploaded > 'Review'

The review summary says 'This release is ready to be rolled out.', but the button labled with 'Start to rollout to beta' is disabled: disabled button.

Solution 1:

To see what still needs to be done, you can hover your mouse over the grayed out checkmark. There will be a popup that tells you what you still need to finish.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

Saranga is right from my experience. Before I could send out a beta version I had to ensure I had the images under store listing included. Just look at the side bar (see image) and see whats greyed out and thats where the problem was for me.

enter image description here