How do attachments that add damage effects to projectiles work?

I'm trying to optimize the DPS and effectivity of my weapons. With that goal in mind, I would like to know how attachments that add damage effects to projectiles work.

Those attachments are:

  • Electric Charge
  • Flame Glaze
  • Acid Bath
  • Damage Support

I would like to know:

  • How do these attachments compare to each other in terms of damage added to each projectile?
  • How do they add damage?
    • Is it a multiplier or a constant amount added per projectile?
    • Are there attachments that will work better with low per projectile damage, high rate of fire weapons; instead of high per projectile damage, low rate of fire weapons, and vice-versa?
    • How do they stack with Upgrade Circuits that increase damage?
  • What are their effects on enemies? Does the enemy react differently, depending if the projectile that hit them comes with electricity, flame or acid?

Flame = a very short duration DoT with an initial damage that does not stack, better used on fast firing weapons like pulse rifles or the plasma cutter.

Acid = a very long duration DoT that stacks, good on VERY fast firing weapons like flamers. A Few enemies are imune to this mod.

Shock = almost no damage but stuns the enemies for a few moments, good on high powered weapons that lack the stun effect like the sniper rifle (military engine+precision tip).

Damage support = increases the damage for about 5% for both players and stacks (10% for both), (this is an educated guess as no one knows the exact number, not worth using the flame gaze is more effective on any situation, the weapons that would benefit from this increase already kill everything in 1 shot like the contact beam, using an ammo box is way more effective for example).

Extra things you should know:

DoT stops knock back effects when it ticks, like the force gun, so avoid using these mods on Crowd control weapons, the stasis moule is designed for them.

Avoid using the stasis module on explosive weapons if you are not using safe guard, the stasis effect will also apply on you from your own shots.

Hope this helps.