Minecraft fully-auto fuel source?

(I believe) I’m using the latest version of Minecraft Bedrock Edition (1.17.10) and I want to know if I can design a fully-auto fuel system for furnaces/smokers/blast furnaces?

Things I’ve thought about:

I’ve wondered about kelp, but you have to craft dried kelp into kelp blocks to use it as fuel, so I don’t think this is possible

Maybe bamboo would work? The only thing with bamboo is that it doesn’t last long as fuel, so I’d probably need massive amounts of it to keep smokers going.

How about lava with drip stones to fill cauldrons so I can use lava buckets? I don’t know how to get something to fill a bucket with lava, place it into a smoker for fuel, come out afterwards, and grab more lava!

Question: Can someone give a link or an idea of how to make a FULLY-auto fuel source to keep at least 1 smoker going all day? If needed, I can scale up from whatever you all come up with.

As always, thanks!

Solution 1:

You can try using this universal wood farm design by SilentWhisperer, and then hooking it up with hoppers to a super smelter to create charcoal (Also designed by SilentWhisperer). Once you create that charcoal, you can then hook that up to whatever furnace you want to smelt automatically. Just note that the wood farm needs to use bone meal. I recommend finding a bonemeal video by SilentWhisperer or JCPlayz, because they mostly specialist in making Minecraft Bedrock Edition farms.

Wood Farm: Silentwhisperer's Wood Farm

Super Smelter: Silentwhisperer's Super Smelter