How to speed up compilation of Ubuntu apps (make, cmake, gcc)

Solution 1:

If a package supports it you can use the -j flag to allow parallel jobs running, e.g.:

make -j8

More details on this flag can be found in the Stackoverflow question Why does make -j perform better when it is passed a number larger than the number of cores available?.

Distributed compilation

If you have multiple machines, give distcc a go. On the involved machines, sudo apt-get install distcc. Assuming that your build machine is

  • on the helper machines, run:

    sudo distccd --log-file=/tmp/distccd.log --daemon -a
  • On the build machine, before running configure or cmake you have to specify hosts that you want to use for the build process. Optionally, specify the number of simultaneous jobs after a slash (defaulting to 4):

    export DISTCC_HOSTS='localhost/4'

    Make the compiler use distcc:

    export PATH="/usr/lib/distcc:$PATH"

    Now configure or cmake the application and build with:

    make -j$(distcc -j)

    Note that if you've put /usr/lib/distcc twice in your PATH, it'll fail. Be sure to set /usr/lib/distcc only once in your PATH.

For more details, see the manual pages for distcc(1) and distccd(1).