When will Octave 3.6.1 be available to be installed?

Solution 1:

Short answer: No

Octave is still in version 3.2 in 12.04. A bug report has been filed for Octave to be upgraded from 3.2 to 3.4 and then to 3.6.1 but no action has been taken regarding this lately.

You can possibly subscribe to the bug and get updates regarding this bug report:

  • How do I subscribe to a bug?

It is a community package which means it is up to the community to package and update the Universe repository.

If you really want to use the latest version, you can help fix the several bugs that is blocking the transition of Octave from 3.2 to 3.6 in the Debian repository and hopefully, the latest version will then be imported into Ubuntu repository.

Update for 12.10
Htorque has just confirmed that Octave 3.6.1-4 is in the Quantal repository. Time to rejoice.

Solution 2:

It is available on a non-official PPA on launchpad if you're willing to go that route:



  • What are PPAs and how do I use them?

EDIT: The second ppa doesn't work well. There are some version conflicts in the build dependencies. Use the first link. It works like a dream.

Solution 3:

In addition to what Brenton Horne mentions, for those of you trying to compile 3.6.X, you should install these libraries first:

sudo apt-get install libqhull-dev libpcre++-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev libreadline-dev
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libfltk1.3-dev libgraphicsmagick++-dev libhdf5-serial-dev libqrupdate-dev libsuitesparse-metis-dev glpk gperf flex bison libfontconfig1-dev

Now you should have all the required dependencies. Stolen from here: http://verahill.blogspot.com.es/2012/02/debian-testing-wheezy-64-compiling.html