Bash on Ubuntu on Windows (10) - Unable to connect to Upstart

This has been discussed before. It's a known issue and the quick-fix suggested by Canonical is to run :

cat > /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d <<EOF
exit 101
chmod +x /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
dpkg-divert --local --rename --add /sbin/initctl
ln -s /bin/true /sbin/initctl

A real fix is available but not yet released to the Fast Ring:

A fix for the udev apt update issues is on it's way to the flighting branch. When the fix reaches the branch new subsystem installs will no longer have this issue.

It's exactly what it says. Upstart does not exist. Windows 10 has bash and certain other parts of Ubuntu. They never said anything about Upstart.