Cleaning up temp files in Mac OS X

My 4 months old Mac partition volume is losing space slowly and gradually. I am pretty sure there are a lot of orphaned temporary files laying around in the volume.

I know where to find the obsoleted temp files in my Windows partition, how about in Mac OS X?

Not sure if this helps but i would try Onyx and Appdelete to get rid of applications, seems to do a decent job of getting rid of extra system files, etc.

Mac OS X temporary files are stored in /tmp and /private/var/folders. Your specific Cache and Temporary folders can be found by running the command echo $TMPDIR and/or usr/bin/getconf DARWIN_USER_CACHE_DIR

These locations should be automatically cleared out regularly either through the daily, weekly and monthly "cron" scripts and/or a restart so you shouldn't have to worry about it. You can use tools such as Onyx, Cocktail, Leopard Cache Cleaner, etc. to run these scripts and/or clear your caches and temp files.

The one big exception is Safari's Thumbnail cache does not delete and can be found in your DARWIN_USER_CACHE_DIR under

To find out where most of your disk space is going (and if temporary files are even a culprit) I suggest using a program such as OmniDiskSweeper or GrandPerspective to tell you where all the large files are.

When a backup volume is not mounted, Time Machine has saved hourly snapshots to /Volumes/MobileBackups/ on laptops since 10.7. They are deleted automatically when you start running out of disk space though.

/private/var/folders/ can contain partially downloaded files or files for applications that have been removed. du -sm /private/var/folders/*/*/*/*/ | sort -rn sorts the folders by size.

~/Library/Autosave Information/ can contain old unsaved documents.

~/Library/Caches/ Previews/ was about 700 GB on my installation of 10.7. defaults write DebugSnapshotsUpdatePolicy -int 2 disables saving the thumbnails.

Safari saves the contents of websites and plain text files to ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/Safari/History/.

If hibernatemode is 3, /var/vm/sleepimage takes up the same amount of disk space as the amount of RAM you have.

/Library/Developer/ wasn't removed when I installed Xcode 4.3. It contained about 2GB of old docset files.

A good way to find large files is to sort files by size in list view after checking calculate all sizes in the view options. You can show hidden files with defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool true; killall Finder.