Vimperator and Ctrl+K
Firstly, awesome job figuring out wildoptions
That said, I'd just add that if you just hit o or t it should take you to the command box with the pre-filled command :open or :tabopen respectively. You could type some text and hit Tab to look at auto-complete options for that text.
Also if you ever want to see your search bar for whatever reason:
:set go+=T
Now you should have your entire toolbar, but to access the searchbox I use:
Alt+d -> Tab
Ctrl+l -> Tab
To get rid of the unsightly toolbar just use:
:set go-=T
you could open up searchoptions via:
:dia searchengines
and set the keywords for each search engine. For eg: Google -> g, Yahoo -> y, etc.
Now when you need to search just hit o or t and follow up the command with g hello as in:
:open g hello
to open a google search page for the word hello
I knew :open behaves essentially like a google search box, but what bothered me was the absence of the auto-suggestions list.
Well, it turns out that set wildoptions=auto
turns it on, so with that in mind, here's my workaround:
set wildoptions=auto
noremap <C-k> :open
inoremap <C-k> <Esc>:open
cnoremap <C-k> <Esc>:open