Touchpad Insensitive

I have just purchased a Samsung RF511 and as always I installed Ubuntu 11.10 on it straight away.

Everything works out of the box fine except the Touchpad. I have to press quite hard on the touch pad for it to move and it's generally laggy and sloppy.

The touch pad is recognized as it should be "Elantech Touchpad"

Solution 1:

You can try playing with touchpad paremeters via synclient. Just enter synclient in a terminal and see what possible parameters there are. Try changing FingerLow and FingerHigh values by typing synclient FingerHigh=7 etc.

Solution 2:



command. To identify Your touchpad write:

xinput list

and see which id belongs to Your touchpad. Then write:

xinput watch-props YourDeviceID

where YourDeviceID is Your touchpad's id. See what properties You can change. Maybe there is something like press force or similar?