Install Microsoft Edge on Server 2019

The irony of this is off the scale. I'm clearly bored as I know the answer to this but I'm intrigued what's going on here.

Brand new install of Windows Server 2019 evaluation. Only configuration change made is to turn off IE Enhanced Security Configuration. Open and click Start Microsoft Edge. You get this prompt:

Prompt to allow app

On clicking Allow you get this message:

You'll need a new app to open this microsoft-edge

The workaround is to download the standalone installer but what's going on here? Microsoft making it difficult to install new Edge on Server 2019 seems a bit like shooting yourself in the foot.

BTW - Chrome installs fine from their web page.

But why won't the installer launch from the website?

Yah, this is a tad frustrating. I ended up going to

You'll need to enable Javascript and such before IE will let you download the install.

How to install Edge on Windows Server 2019:

Open IE:

  1. Click on the Tools menu.
  2. Choose Internet Options... from the menu.
  3. Click the Security tab on the Internet Options pop up.
  4. Click the Custom Level...
  5. Scroll almost all the way down to the Scripting section.
  6. Select the Enable button for Active scripting.
  7. Click OK to finish the process.
  8. Click Yes when asked to confirm.

Then do what @michael said and go to:

And, yes, this is asinine.