Linux bridge doesn't respond to ARP requests after an ip rule is added

I have a virtual machine created with libvirt/qemu/kvm attached with a TAP to a Linux bridge (virbr1). Internally the VM has an IP of And has the following routing setup.

default via dev enp1s0 proto static onlink via dev enp1s0 proto static onlink 

Here is the IP of the bridge

I wanted all the traffic coming from that VM to go to a VPN route (wg0) I had setup, so on the host I did

ip route add default dev wg0 table 42
ip rule add from table 42

This worked fine, but I noticed that inside the VM I could still ping the host machine IP I eventually realised this is because the lookup local ip rule has a preference of 0 which is higher than that of the rule I added. I thought I'd simply swap the order, and all would be well.

ip rule add preference 300 lookup local # 300 here is arbitrarily higher than 0
ip rule del preference 0
ip rule add from table 42 preference 0

However upon doing this, I now have no connectivity within the VM. If I sniff on the linux bridge I see it's continually sending the ARP request looking for who has , and no response is forthcoming. I didn't think these routing decisions should affect ARP at all, since it's acting alongside IP, so this has be confused. I've confirmed it's those exact lines that cause the issue

Why are ARP replies not making it back to the VM interface?

My impression is that your answer is provided in your question.

You've changed the local ip rule preference of 0 to 300 therfore pushed the default route to be the most prefered route:

ip route add default dev wg0 table 42
ip rule add from table 42
#and lastly:
ip rule add from table 42 preference 0

which caused the kernel to prefer this route exclusively.

you said: "I see it's continually sending the ARP request looking for who has, and no response is forthcoming."

which is reasonable as ARP broadcasts are going to the wg0 interface where no device has IP address (I assume).

solution ?

My advice is not to mess with route priority and if needed - firewall the access which is not required for the VM by iptables.