Bash Loop - How to stop the loop when I press Control-C inside a command?

I am rsyncing a few directories. I have a bash terminal open and am executing something like this:

for DIR in * ; do rsync -a $DIR ; done

However if I want to stop the whole things, I press Control-C. That stops the rsync, but then it keeps going to the next one. In this case I realize what has happened and then just press Control-C like a madman until things work again.

Is there some way to 'fix' this. I want it so if I have a loop like that, and press Control-C, that it will return me to my bash shell.

for DIR in * ; do rsync -a $DIR || break; done

This will also exit the loop if an individual rsync run fails for some reason.

To expand on Dennis' answer, your code might look like:

trap "echo Exited!; exit;" SIGINT SIGTERM

For a working example (that happens to involve rsync), check out

You can set a trap for Control-C.

trap <command> SIGINT

will execute the command when Control-C is pressed. Just put the trap statement somewhere in your script at a point where you want it to become effective.

  1. Press Ctrl-Z to suspend the script ;
  2. kill %%

Credits, explanations and more details in this answer.