Solution 1:

This is an interesting question...

I don't think there's a definitive answer, but I can give some historical context on how best-practices surrounding this topic may have changed over time.

I've had to support thousands of Linux VMs deployed in various forms across VMware environments since 2007. My approach to deployment has evolved, and I've had the unique (sometimes unfortunate) experience of inheriting and refactoring systems built by other engineers.

The old days...

Back in the day (2007), my early VMware systems were partitioned just like my bare metal systems. On the VMware side, I was using split 2GB thick files to comprise the VM's data, and didn't even think about the notion of multiple VMDKs, because I was just happy that virtualization could even work!

Virtual Infrastructure...

By ESX 3.5 and the early ESX/ESXi 4.x releases (2009-2011), I was using Linux, partitioned as normal atop monolithic Thick provisioned VMDK files. Having to preallocate storage forced me to think about Linux design in a similar manner as I would with real hardware. I was creating 36GB, 72GB, 146GB VMDK's for the operating system, partitioning the usual /, /boot, /usr, /var, /tmp, then adding another VMDK for the "data" or "growth" partition (whether that be /home, /opt or something application-specific). Again, the sweet-spot in physical hard disk sizes during this era was 146GB, and since preallocation was a requirement (unless using NFS), I needed to be conservative with space.

The advent of thin provisioning

VMware developed better features around Thin provisioning in later ESXi 4.x releases, and this changed how I began to install new systems. With the full feature set being added in 5.0/5.1, a new type of flexibility allowed more creative designs. Mind you, this was keeping pace with increased capabilities on virtual machines, in terms of how many vCPUS and how much RAM could be committed to individual VMs. More types of servers and applications could be virtualized than in the past. This is right as computing environments were starting to go completely virtual.

LVM is awful...

By the time full hot-add functionality at the VM level was in place and common (2011-2012), I was working with a firm that strove to maintain uptime for their clients' VMs at any cost (stupid). So this included online VMware CPU/RAM increases and risky LVM disk resizing on existing VMDKs. Most Linux systems in this environment were single VMDK setups with ext3 partitions on top of LVM. This was terrible because the LVM layer added complexity and unnecessary risk to operations. Running out of space in /usr, for instance, could result in a chain of bad decisions that eventually meant restoring a system from backups... This was partially process and culture-related, but still...

Partition snobbery...

I took this opportunity to try to change this. I'm a bit of a partition-snob in Linux and feel that filesystems should be separated for monitoring and operational needs. I also dislike LVM, especially with VMware and the ability to do what you're asking about. So I expanded the addition of VMDK files to partitions that could potentially grow. /opt, /var, /home could get their own virtual machine files if needed. And those would be raw disks. Sometimes this was an easier method to expand particular undersized partition on the fly.


With the onboarding of a very high-profile client, I was tasked with the design of the Linux VM reference template that would be used to create their extremely visible application environment. The security requirements of the application required a unique set of mounts, so worked with the developers to try to cram the non-growth partitions onto one VMDK, and then add separate VMDKs for each mount that had growth potential or had specific requirements (encryption, auditing, etc.) So, in the end, these VMs were comprised of 5 or more VMDKs, but provided the best flexibility for future resizing and protection of data.

What I do today...

Today, my general design for Linux and traditional filesystems is OS on one thin VMDK (partitioned), and discrete VMDKs for anything else. I'll hot-add as necessary. For advanced filesystems like ZFS, it's one VMDK for the OS, and another VMDK that serves as a ZFS zpool and can be resized, carved into additional ZFS filesystems, etc.

Solution 2:

You're right in many ways, I can see the argument - there is one issue that could prove tricky though. If you use Resource Pools (and I know I don't, hateful things) then VMs can get more IO time if they have more disks - in extreme resource constrained situations a VM with two disks could get twice as much IO resources as one with a single disk. This may well not be an issue to you but I thought I'd point it out.

Edit - oh and it would make snapping slightly slower too, but again that might not be an issue.

Solution 3:

When I worked in infrastructure at a particular "large virtualization software company," we often needed to increase the size of a vm's filesystem. We used ext3/4 at the time.

Increasing the virtual disk is very easy, picking up the new device size in a live OS is relatively easy (poke around in /sys), resizing the ext3/4 filesystem live was easy, but what always seemed impossible (to do live) was resizing the partition.

You had to use gparted or rewrite/resize the partition table using fdisk -- but it was always locked by the kernel and required a reboot to get the kernel to pick up the new layout (partprobe didn't do it either.)

I moved many systems to LVM and resizing filesystems became an easy, almost pleasant, experience!

  • Increase the virtual disk image outside the VM
  • In the VM,
    • Poke /sys to rescan the disk metrics (echo "1" > /sys/class/scsi_device//device/rescan)
    • pvresize /dev/sdX (resize the physical volume in LVM)
    • lvresize --extents +100%FREE /dev/VG/lvolXX (resize the logical volume in LVM)
    • resize2fs (resize the filesystem)

All of this could be done safely on a live system -- and no reboot required!

Why not a bare disk? It makes me nervous - I don't feel that bare disks are widely accepted enough yet, but I think we're on the verge of much wider acceptance. There was a thread on the btrfs mailing list related to this:

But a bare disk would just need the rescan and resize2fs.

So, in summary, yeah, avoid partition tables if you can.

Solution 4:

While your question as written is about VMWare (ESXi), I'd like to add a situation where I switched back to using partition tables after having the same idea on KVM.

It turned out that if you have LVM volumes as disks for VMs and create an LVM volume group inside the VM without using partitions (using the whole virtual disk as PV), this VG will be visible outside the VM on the host machine. This is not the case if you use partitions as PV.

Granted, it's a corner case but worth considering if you need such a setup.