Like ambidextrous, but for a thing

We know that "ambidextrous" describes (roughly) the ability to use both hands. Are there words in English the capture the idea of something that is "suitable for use by either hand"? Similarly, is there a word that captures the idea of something that is "suitable for use on either foot"?


  • For shoes, we distinguish between left and right feet. For skis, as far as I can remember from the last time I went skiing, each individual ski can fit on either boot.
  • Scissors come in left-handed and right-handed varieties, whereas tongs generally can be operated by either hand. (As a side remark: I've seen scissors marketed as "ambidextrous". Is this use of the word correct?)

Solution 1:

If scissors can be left-handed or right-handed (despite the fact that they don't have hands), I don't see why they can't be ambidextrous. Furthermore, this meaning of ambidextrous is in the ODO.

Solution 2:

Building on @starwed's suggestion and @PeterShor's comment, why not ambichiral?

Wikipedia says Chiral comes from the Greek χειρ, hand, so that chiral is "hand-assymetry-ish". Thus ambichiral like ambidextrous.