Etymology of 'doylum'

Solution 1:

Yaron Matras, in his 2010 Romani in Britain: The Afterlife of a Language has this entry...

fool n. doylem ER dinilo; Yiddish goylem
(ER = European Romani)

From Wikipedia: in Modern Hebrew, golem is used to mean "dumb" or "helpless". Similarly, it is often used today as a metaphor for a brainless lunk...

The Yiddish origin is also given here, but that's a page on the University of Manchester's site, where Matras is a Professor of Linguistics. I believe him though, even if he's the only authority I can find.

Solution 2:

And yet another meritorious source:

Yorkshire Words Today : A Glossary of Regional Dialect (1997), page 41:

DOYLEM n simpleton (?derived from doychle) WR cf. EDD doychle Sc, also written doichle, 'a dull stupid person; a sloven', also 'to walk in a stupid, dreamy state'; cf. EDD entry for the West Country word doll, 'to talk foolishly, distractedly', and OED dolled, dollt, 'stupid; foolish, crazed; affected in mind'.

Solution 3:

There's also the spelling doylem. I shouldn't dabble in this one, but I will say that I find it interesting that Doyle stems from Irish Dubhghaill (ˈd̪ˠʊwəlʲ), dubh "black" + gall "stranger", and that that term was used by the Irish to desribe "new foreigners", who had darker skin than them and who arrived during Tudor conquest of Ireland [wiki]. In some languages, foreigners have been known to get a label "the mutes" by the locals, because they'd speak a language no one understood, and also they couldn't understand a word of the language of the locals. Another word for mute is dumb, which idiots are.

Someone's given an up vote, do keep them coming, but bear in mind that this is hardly more than folk etymology.

Solution 4:

'Doyle' a local term of endearment indeed and local colloquialism - I have grown up in Hartlepool (75 Miles North of Leeds) and still reside there now in my 48th year. And to this day I still use the word 'Doyle' for someone who is daft, fool or idiot, mainly to friends, so the word is very frequent in our everyday vocabulary.