How can I avoid entering password every time after wakeup from suspending in Ubuntu 18.04? [duplicate]

In Ubuntu 16.04, I can easily cancel the option "lock screen after wakeup from suspending" in the unity settings. But in Ubuntu 18.04 I can't find this option anywhere from the gnome settings to the gnome tweak tools. Any advice?

Solution 1:

For the CLI way, launch Terminal and run

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver ubuntu-lock-on-suspend false

Solution 2:

Disable screen lock after suspend by installing dconf-editor

sudo apt install dconf-editor

then navigate to

org/gnome/desktop/screensaver and turn off

enter image description here

Solution 3:

For the "point-and-click" way, open top-right menu (with the network/Wi-Fi, battery and/or volume icons, in the corner), click the "tools"/"spanner and screwdriver" icon (in the pop-up menu), click "Privacy" on the left and then click "Screen Lock" on the right.

Privacy settinga

From here, you can disable the screen lock or change the timeout to something longer (so there is a bigger delay before the screen is locked).

enter image description here