how to install sql developer (.rpm file) on lubuntu 18.04

How to install sql developer on lubuntu 18.04

I tried the below link from Oracle (served as installation notes when you download sql developer) but that dint work.



Oracle now provides .rpm files instead of .zip and all the answers on this site help you with the .zip but not .rpm

Solution 1:

The easiest way to install the Oracle SQL Developer program in all currently supported versions of Ubuntu is to install sqldeveloper-package from the default Ubuntu repositories. sqldeveloper-package makes it possible to build a Debian package of Oracle SQL Developer. This utility will require you to download the architecture independent archive from, identified as "Oracle SQL Developer for other platforms", "Oracle SQL Developer for Multiple Platforms" or "Oracle SQL Developer for Linux and Unix" (depending on which version you are building), to create the Debian package from.

To install sqldeveloper-package open the terminal and type:

sudo apt install sqldeveloper-package 

After installing, you can use it to build sqldeveloper by typing:

make-sqldeveloper-package /path/to/arch-ind-sqldeveloper-archive

This puts the build package in an autogenerated folder. Use

sudo make-sqldeveloper-package --install /path/to/arch-ind-sqldeveloper-archive

to directly install it on your system. You can get an overview of all commandline options with:

make-sqldeveloper-package --help

For running sqldeveloper you can connect to and use any JDK 1.8 (e.g. openjdk-8-jdk) or above.

Solution 2:

sudo apt-get install alien openjfx


  1. Follow the link
  2. Click "Accept license agreement" that looks like a radio button
  3. Next to "Linux RPM", click "Download" (If there is no "Linux RPM", try the previous version)
  4. Choose where you want to save the file, which will be named sqldeveloper-VERSION.noarch.rpm
  5. In terminal, cd to where you saved the RPM file

    sudo alien --scripts sqldeveloper-*.noarch.rpm
    sudo dpkg -i sqldeveloper*.deb

Now you can run the program. In my case it got installed to /usr/local/bin which is in my path. The first time you run it, make sure you do so in the foreground (do not ampersand it) because it's going to ask you to type in the path to a good JDK (the path above bin, for example /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64).

$ sqldeveloper

Et voila!