How do you track which packages were installed on Fedora (Linux)?

Solution 1:

yum list installed and yum.log will show what's been installed, but I don't think anything on the system differentiates between packages you chose to install and those that were installed as dependencies

Solution 2:

Presuming you still have the /root/install.logfile from the original installation, you could create the files rpm.orig and rpm.curr thus:

cd /root
rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME}\n' | sort -u > rpm.curr
awk '($1=="Installing"){print $2}' install.log | sort -u > rpm.orig

Then, to see packages added:

comm -13 rpm.orig rpm.curr

And ones removed:

comm -23 rpm.orig rpm.curr

Note that if you have an x86_64 installation, it won't tell the difference between the 32- and 64-bit packages.