Repeating a user input throughout a Microsoft Word docment
Solution 1:
I think you'll have to use the Word Template and DocVariables. This also means some VBa but this tutorial covers it
However, as an example of making it read content from else where, this may get you going... This isn't perfect but, it may be a good start!
In word, add the developer toolbar to the ribbon.
From the developer toolbar, drop in 2 text boxes from the controls tab.
Click on the Insert toolbar.
Now, click on the first textbox (the one where text is to be copied too). Make sure you click on the 3 little dots on the left side so the entire textbox is selected. When you have selected it, the Bookmark (under Links) should become enabled. Click on it and give it an appropriate name.
Click on the second textbox, and do the same but this time, click on Cross Reference. In the drop down box, select bookmarks and then find the book mark in question.
This is set up, but, you have to manually update the field. So, type some text into the first textbox, then right click on the second and select Update Fields. As I said, not perfect, but hopefully a start!
This article explains it can be done with a Template and Macros.
Solution 2:
For Windows Word 2007 and later, you can use some of the Content Controls that Word inserts from Insert->Quick Parts->Document Property... For example, if you insert the "Author" Document Property, Word inserts a content control that is connected to the built-in property. So when you change the value in one copy of the content control, the property value updates, then all other Author content controls are updated automatically. This is different from the pre-Word 2007 approach where you had to insert an { AUTHOR } field, then seleect it and update it.
Using the Developer tab, you can select the resulting content control and give it a new Title such as "Age". Then you can copy/paste copies of the control with that title. It's also usually helpful to make the controls non-deletable.
If you don't want to use the traditional built-in properties such as Author etc., there is a set of five "properties" called Cover Page Properties that you can use instead. These are also available from the Document Property... menu, but the values are stored in a different place, i.e. in a Custom XML part created by Word. I think these are Company Address, Company Email, COmpany Fax, Company Phone, and Publish Date. Again, you can modify the Title using the Developer tab.
Beyond that, you have to use VBA or some such. If you're using Content controls, you have to create your own Custom XML part to store the values, and connect the controls to that store. You'll find a good summary of various options for "repeating data" here
FWIW, if you need to use forms in Word, the most "compatible" type of form field is what are called "Legacy Form fields" in Windows Word, because these are the only type that also work in Mac Word. But if you only need stuff to work in Windows Word 2007 and later, content controls have some advantages.