How many hours do I need to complete Fallout-3? [closed]

I've bought Fallout-3 second hand last year and for time reason, I've just played part of the tutorial at the beginning.

How many hours do I need to enjoy and finish Fallout-3?

Solution 1:

It really does depend on you. I know people who have clocked 400+ hours on the game and loved every minute of it. I also know from first hand experience that it can be completed (main storyline, no DLC) in a day if you know exactly where you are going and what you are doing.

Solution 2:

It does depend on what you want to do. If you stay focussed on following the main storylines, you can easily complete the game very quickly. If you want to include major side-quests, as well as all achievements, I'd say around 50 hours.

You can probably bring that time down considerably if you use a guide to only go to locations where there's a quest. The trick is to stay focussed and not get tempted to wander (although I'm sure many would argue that the exploration is the best aspect of the game).

I almost got fed up with the amount of time this game was taking to complete, but I'm glad I finally finished it (although the ending stinks -- Get Broken Steel to have a better ending).

Solution 3:

It all depends on how fast you are doing the main storyline.. If you dont have any of the DLC's, it can take less than a day. If you have DLC's, then it only means more playtime and more fun.

If you are going to start at fallout 3 now, enjoy! :)