Share Multiplayer World

A buddy and I have been playing Terraria together in a joint world. I hosted and so I have the world and can play in single player when he's not around. He'd like to do the same, is this possible?

I doubt we could both play it and then have it sync up the changes, but is there a way to send him the world file and then when we go to play together copy it back or something along those lines?

TerrariaServer.exe is located in your Steam Terraria folder. If you run that on your computer, he can connect to the world whenever your computer is on.

This link can help set this up.

TL;DR: Simply use Dropbox, or get your hands dirty with batch files and Boar.

This would be called batch automation.

Simply, you would create a batch file that

  1. Downloads the changes.

  2. Hosts your server or starts your Terraria client.

  3. Upload the changes when you are done.

I wouldn't suggest uploading the whole map as that could be around 100 MB, while I belief that when playing only a small part of the 100 MB is really affected. What you need is a binary version control system, try looking into Boar or come up with something like RDiff-Backup which might be easier to automate over the command line.

It would look something like this:

line that tells your BVCS to download changes


line that tells your BVCS to upload changes

The batch will automatically pause till Terraria is closed.

Good luck! :)

PS: You could commit a .lock file and check for it to ensure you don't play simultaneously...

Alternatively, you could try to use Dropbox and skip the version control system altogether.

I'd do it via dropbox , share the folder, and then hardlink to where you need it to be, that way DB only syncs actual changes to the file as well

— Mokubai's suggestion on the Super User chat.

Ben Blank explained in the comments that this is completely automatable. :)

Simple. Just copy and manage your world file. It is saved in the %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Terraria\Worlds folder. (Enter that path in your explorers location path.)

You can simply copy the world file to your friends computer in the same folder and run it.

Make sure you don’t overwrite what you actually want to use. Maybe back them up in a separate folder whenever you will overwrite or something. (Personally, I’m using git version control to make sure I don’t lose anything – but that’s probably for the more tech-savy/devs/coders.)