Does the word "Vaccum" exist?
If yes, does it have the same meaning of vacuum?
- Vacuum (Wikipedia)
- (dead link / domain not in use; verified on 28.12.2020).
Both the sites define the same meaning, but the spelling differs.
Some dictionaries also have an entry for vaccum which links to vacuum.
Solution 1:
Urban Dictionary says "vaccum: A word presumably used by those who do not know that the correct spelling is "vacuum".
More seriously, NGram thinks vaccum doesn't exist at all.
Solution 2:
Clearly it does, because you and the second website you link to use it. If you’re asking if it’s the normal spelling for the word describing a space empty of matter, then it is not. The normal spelling is vacuum. The Corpus of Contemporary American English has 2 records for it, against 5810 for vacuum. The figures for the British National Corpus are 1 and 919.