how to install fuzzystrmatch.sql pg_trgm.sql on postgresql on mac os x
I have installed postgresql according to this, but I also need fuzzy string match functions, but I have no idea how to install these.
For the Mac, the .sql files are in a folder such as /Library/PostgreSQL/8.3/share/postgresql/contrib
If you are looking for levenshtein or other functions in fuzzystrmatch package in postgresql 9.1, just do this:
# Login with postgres user and: psql my_database -U postgres # Enter the postgres password and type in the psql shell: CREATE EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch;
If you can't find that extension, it's possible you didn't install postgres contrib.
for instance, on centos style os's:
yum install postgresql93-contrib
Based on the answer here in the context of a Rails migration, all it takes is:
create extension fuzzystrmatch;
create extension pg_trgm;