Strange bipping sound in Server room! [closed]
I have since yesterday a weird "bip" every minute in the server room. It comes from the unit, where 2 servers, one switch and a router are installed. Can anyone help me with this? I'm working in an office right near it! Thanks.
I hope it's not the smoke detector. ;-)
I'm an old man these days and sometimes struggle to find the source of infrequent sounds - I have resorted to using the cardboard inner tube from some paper kitchen wipes to place over/round my ear and act as a 'finder' for odd sounds.
God that's the saddest post I've ever made :(
If you're not the sysadmin, DONT TOUCH ANYTHING! If you are the sysadmin, shame on you for not knowing.
Usually such "bipping" is an indication that a redundant component has failed.
Check the status of RAID arrays and PSU inputs.
While I agree with Paul, is there a UPS battery backup in the room also? Most of the time when I've encountered this, it is because the battery needs to be replaced. Make sure you work with your IT personnel before attempting any changes. You could also look to see if there are any smoke detectors in the room that need their battery changed.