How can I tell if I have Windows 2012 R2 (vs the 'R1' original release')?

How can I tell if I have Windows 2012 R2 or just "2012"? I can't seem to see any signs of "R2" anywhere yet I ordered a (remote) server with this installed and I want to verify I have the correct edition installed before I go any further with the server build.

Drop into a command prompt and issue either of the following commands;

systeminfo | findstr OS



You can then use this table to determine the version;

Operating System Version

Which shows:

Operating system            Version number
Windows 8.1                 6.3*
Windows Server 2012 R2      6.3*
Windows 8                   6.2
Windows Server 2012         6.2
Windows 7                   6.1
Windows Server 2008 R2      6.1
Windows Server 2008         6.0
Windows Vista               6.0
Windows Server 2003 R2      5.2
Windows Server 2003         5.2
Windows XP 64-Bit Edition   5.2
Windows XP                  5.1
Windows 2000                5.0

Based on your comment, it would appear you're running Windows Server 2012 as opposed to Windows Server 2012 R2

If you have the GUI installed an instant visual clue will be the absence (Server 2012) or presence (Server 2012 R2) of an actual Start button on the taskbar.