How to recover file from Trash

It depends on how you trashed the file. Unfortunately there is no simple restore to original place. It only works if you trashed the file by using Finder or if the app used the correct API call (although reading the github issues for various command line utilities which try to use this, Apple have broken that API). Just moving the file to trash is not enough which is what a lot of programs do. I suspect this Finder behaviour was added in some version of OSX so old ones won't have it - or else I never trashed anything correctly.)

If you used the Finder to trash it see this other answer

If not :

What you do is copy the file from trash (Copy is on the pop up menu you show) and then navigate in Finder to where you want it to go and then paste it. If you have two Finder windows open you can drag and drop the file from Trash to where you want it.

I always thought that MacOSX had a Restore Option for individual files. The screenshot shows how to "undelete" a file. It will be moved back to its original location.

Put Back Trash

Option 1

  1. With the item still in the Trash, right-click on it with your mouse and select Put Back. This will restore the item to where it was before you deleted it.

Note: If the original location no longer exists, then this will be greyed out!

put back item from Trash OS X

Option 2

  1. Right-click the item in the Trash and select "Copy muCommander"

    copy item in Trash OS X

  2. Once the item is copied, navigate in Finder to where you want to put it, and right-click in the background of the folder or your Desktop and select Paste Item.

    paste item in OS X

Using Keyboard

Keyboard commands for OS X are:

Copy Command ⌘+C
Paste Command ⌘+V

The Cut command is a little bit of a bitch when it comes to files. Don't rely on it

Why simple when you can do it complicated.

You can just drag'n'drop it from Trash to where you wana have it (probably the Applications Folder cause it is an Application).