Remove HTC Sync Manager from autostart

Solution 1:


launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.nero.HSMMonitor.plist

Solution 2:

To disable HTC Sync Manager auto-mounting Launch terminal

diskutil info /Volumes/HTC Sync Manager

Make a note of the Volume UUID.

sudo vifs

Go to the bottom of the file
tap the i key

And paste the following
UUID=YOURVOLUMEUUID none hfs rw,noauto
Replacing YOURVOLUMEUUID with the one you made a note of earlier

Hit Esc Then type the following to save.

You will be using "vim" in case you need help with the editor.

From softwareispoetry

Edit: For stopping applications from autostarting go to Preferences > Users & Groups, then click on your user and remove HTC Sync Manager from your Login Items.

Solution 3:

You can also disable the autorun volume on the phone:

Settings > Apps > All > HTC Sync Manager

Tap "Disable", for good measure tap "Force stop" and "Clear data"