Windows 10 can't resolve hostnames - ping with IP works but not with hostname

a. You can try to manually set the dns servers to the google ones: and

b. You can try another wireless adapter

c. You can try a linux live cd and verify if the issues are still present

I just came across this same issue on a Windows 10 Dell tablet that one of my users brought into the office. Same issue, communications via IP work, but name resolution not working (aside from nslookup, oddly that was working fine).

After digging into this for a few minutes I also discovered that the tablet was missing a hostname entry when doing an ipconfig /all (same as shown in your screenshot above), so I went into the System properties and found that there was no computer name set in there. Added a computer name, rebooted, et voila! Name resolution is now working properly.

I had the same problem, but the hostname was present. In addition, running ipconfig /flushdns would hang. Changing the hostname by adding a 2 to the end and then rebooting seems to have fixed the problem.