Remote control for iTunes?

I want a program like the Remote app for the iPhone, that will run natively on Windows, OSX and Linux. Any suggestions?

Solution 1:

It's not fancy, but using VNC or a remote desktop app of some kind would work.

There is iTunesRemote, in the downloads section it looks like they have apps for OS X, Windows, and Linux. The version numbers are pretty low though.

Remote iTunes looks like a decent OS X app. There's also iTunes Remote Control, while being OS X only is open source. So, it may provide a solution for someone enterprising enough to dig into it.

If you have a supported phone and bluetooth you can probably use Salling Clicker on OS X and Windows.

Here's a hardware solution for Windows and OS X.

There doesn't seem to be much in the way of Windows or Linux apps to do this however. iTunesRemote looks to be the best option I can find.

Solution 2:

Tunes Remote SE is the way to go!

It's just perfect, cross-platform (developped in Java), with an UI similar to iTunes, let's you see the whole library and covers (not just "play/next/pause"), and even Genius mixes!

Solution 3:

I realize this is an old question, but have you tried AnyRemote? It has a Java client that should be platform-independent. If you're a Linux user, I have seen it in the Debian repositories, and their web site says they have KDE and Gnome front-ends.