How to rearrange tabs with the keyboard in Chrome on macOS?

I have to use a Mac at work and I can't figure out how to rearrange Chrome tabs on macOS. On Windows/Linux you can do Ctrl+Shift+PageUp/PageDown and I can't seem to find anything about it online for Mac.

NB: I'm on an azerty keyboard, so I can't use [/]

Solution 1:

This Chrome extension works: Rearrange Tabs

Solution 2:

Thanks to @Bloke

Vimium for Chrome

<<      Move tab to the left
>>      Move tab to the right

    Manipulating tabs
t       Create new tab
J, gT       Go one tab left
K, gt       Go one tab right
^       Go to previously-visited tab
g0      Go to the first tab
g$      Go to the last tab
yt      Duplicate current tab
<a-p>       Pin or unpin current tab
<a-m>       Mute or unmute current tab
x       Close current tab
X       Restore closed tab
W       Move tab to new window
<<      Move tab to the left
>>      Move tab to the right