"no system tray detected on this system."

"no system tray detected on this system." Appears starting Gnome and Cinnamon in Oneiric 11.10; starting with Gnome Classic and Unity no problem at all. How to solve?

In your start up programs there is a line regarding starting hplip. Change ...

sh -c "sleep 15; exec hp-systray"


sh -c "sleep 45; exec hp-systray"

and the problem is gone.

hplip is expecting a system tray and that got removed (and was changed into notification area). All this does is postpone startup of hp-systray so if your system is slow to respond this notice might come back and bite you again.

Found it here on Bugzilla (has a fix released on 2011.11.25 (...)). Besides the bug I found the following sources: Linuxquestions, Ubuntuforums

I had this error on every boot on ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver after installing the drivers for my HP printer.

I just deleted the file


to get rid of the problem.

  1. Go to start up applications using Launcher
  2. Uncheck HP system tray service

enter image description here

sudo apt-get install hplip hplip-gui

will install a newer release of hplip that might fix the issue.


  • https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hplip/+bug/335662
  • https://answers.launchpad.net/hplip/+question/207699

for more discussion of the issue

note: you can navigate to /etc/xdg/autostart

then look for the file: hplip-systray.desktop

In the meantime open a terminal and login as root.

write in terminal:

sudo rm  hplip-systray.desktop

then drag hplip-systray.desktop file and drop it in terminal and hit enter. That's all.

note: or simply login as root in terminal and write:

sudo rm  /etc/xdg/autostart/hplip-systray.desktop

and hit enter