How can I add a custom item to the nautilus context menu, but NOT in a sub-menu?

I am interested in adding a custom script to the Nautilus context menu. I am aware of solutions such as the Scripts folder and the Nautilus Actions application.

I created a test action in Nautilus Actions, but it only appears under the "Nautilus-Actions actions" submenu.

I would like to be able to add an item to the root level of the context menu itself (at the same level as cut, copy, dropbox, compress...) and not in a submenu.

Is this possible with Nautilus Actions?

If it isn't, is there any other way? (If it involves coding or strange configuration changes, that's OK too)

Solution 1:

You can do it with nautilus-actions. Launch nautilus-actions-config-tool and go to Edit > Preferences > uncheck "Create a root Nautilus Actions menu" and bottom of the first tab. -- This affects all actions.

enter image description here

Also, in the left panel the entries (actions) can be grouped as sub-menus. Create your actions (New action'), then create a 'New menu' with right-click or under 'File' for each action category, and then drag&drop your actions of that category on it.

enter image description here

Which gives this:

enter image description here

Solution 2:

As far as I know that's not possible with Nautilus Actions. But you can write a Nautilus extension that adds a menu item. For Python install the package python-nautilus and have a look at the examples in /usr/share/doc/python-nautilus/examples/