Broken desktop background on Ubuntu 18.04 under gnome after waking up from suspend on nvidia-390

I'm also having a similar problem. I have a Dell/Alienware box with a GeForce GTX 860M, running Ubuntu 18.04.

When the computer wakes from suspend, I also have the problem with a corrupted desktop background, sometimes, white, or with with color "snow". I can fix the problem with:

dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=org.gnome.Shell /org/gnome/Shell org.gnome.Shell.Eval "string:global.reexec_self()"

I have my account set up to not have a lockscreen on resume, and I think that might be relevant. Lock-on-suspend doesn't seem to matter.

EDIT: I've changed my nvidia driver from 390 to 396, and that didn't fix it. But more interesting, if I use Unity desktop, the problem DOESN'T occur. This points a finger at the Gnome desktop software maybe...

I would love to fix this for real!

Another way to work around this problem is to run: AltF2,r,Enter.
This will restart the Gnome desktop.

On some systems, or if you have FnLock off, you may need to run AltFnF2,r,Enter.