Windows Server DHCP server reservation list

In Windows Server acting as a DHCP server, how can I get a list of the DHCP reservations from the CMD? I need to know

  • the MAC address and
  • the IP address reserved to that MAC address inside the DHCP server.

Right now I have to right click every single item and go to Properties.

Since Windows Server 2003 there has been netsh dhcp server. You need a command prompt with administrative privileges to use it. E.g. for the list of the DHCP reservations:

netsh dhcp server scope show reservedip

Or from another machine:

netsh dhcp server \\SERVERNAME scope show reservedip
netsh dhcp server <ServerIP> scope show reservedip

If you don't know the scope address, you can list all scopes on the server with:

netsh dhcp server show scope

Or you could even export the whole server configuration into a file (only on the local server):

netsh dhcp server export c:\temp\dhcpdb

The netsh has its documentation baked in: you can get a list of commands currently available by giving an incomplete command. You could start with:

C:\Windows\system32>netsh dhcp server
list                          - Lists all the commands available.
dump                          - Dumps configuration to a text file.
help                          - Displays help.
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