RESTful application on Google App Engine Java?

I'm happy to report that Restlet M3 works FLAWLESSLY on AppEngine 1.2.2. I have followed the "First steps" and "First resource" tutorials found

So, it seems to me that Restlet is the answer for your GAE/J Restful applications.

I'm using Jersey on GAE. Here is the link for those who are interested about setting it up: (I'm using GAE SDK v1.4.0):

I am going to begin exploring this as well, but haven't started yet. I did find this framework, that says it should work, but like I said haven't tried it yet.

If you get it working, or manage to get one of the above suggestions working, update everyone as I am sure there is interest in this.

I'm using Restlet together with Guice on Google AppEngine. IMHO they fit together very well. See my recent blog post for further details: