Should I specify exact versions in my Gemfile?

Solution 1:

This is the purpose of the Gemfile.lock file - running bundle install with a Gemfile.lock present only installs using the dependencies listed in there; it doesn't re-resolve the Gemfile. To update dependencies / update gem versions, you then have to explicitly do a bundle update, which will update your Gemfile.lock file.

If there wasn't a Gemfile.lock, deploying code to production would be a major issue because, as you mention, the dependencies and gem versions could change.

In short, you should be generally safe using the pessimistic version constraint operator (~>) as advises. Just be sure to re-run your tests after you do a bundle update to make sure nothing breaks.

There's a nice article by Yehuda Katz that has a little more info on Gemfile.lock.

Solution 2:


Yes, use pessimistic locking (~>) and specify a semantic version down to patch (Major.minor.patch) on all your gems!


I am surprised by the lack of clarity on this issue, even "industry experts" told me the other day that Gemfile.lock is there to maintain gem versions. Wrong!

You want to organize your Gemfile in such a manner that you can run bundle update any time without risking breaking everything. To achive this:

  1. Specify a patch-level version for all your gems with pessimistic locking. This will allow bundle update to give you fixes, but not breaking changes.

  2. Specify a ref for gems from git

The only downside to this setup is that when a sweet new minor/major version for a gem comes out, you have to bump the version up manually.

Warning scenario

Consider what happens if you do not lock your gems.
You have an unlocked gem "rails" in your gemfile and the version in Gemfile.lock is 4.1.16. You are coding along and at some point you do a bundle update. Now your Rails version jumps to 5.2.0 (provided some other gem does not prevent this) and everything breaks.
Do yourself a favor and do not allow this for any gem!

An example Gemfile

# lock that bundler
if (version = <'1.16.3')
  abort "Bundler version >= 1.16.3 is required. You are running #{version}"

source ""

# specify explicit ref for git repos
gem "entity_validator",
  git: "",
  ref: "acc45c5a44c45b252ccba65fd169a45af73ff369" # "2018-08-02"

# consider hard-lock on gems you do not want to change one bit
gem "rails", "5.1.5"

# pessimistic lock on your common gems
gem "newrelic_rpm", "~> 4.8.0"
gem "puma", "~> 3.12.0"

group :test do
  gem "simplecov", "~> 0.16.1", require: false

A concession
If you are confident your tests will catch bugs introduced by gem version changes, you can try pessimistic-locking gems at minor version, not patch.
This will allow the gem version to increase within the specified major version, but never into the next one.

gem "puma", "~> 3.12"