Heap allocate a 2D array (not array of pointers)

Solution 1:

Well, if you want to allocate array of type, you assign it into a pointer of that type.

Since 2D arrays are arrays of arrays (in your case, an array of 512 arrays of 256 chars), you should assign it into a pointer to array of 256 chars:

char (*arr)[256]=malloc(512*256);
//Now, you can, for example:

(The parentheses around *arr are to make it a pointer to array, and not an array of pointers)

Solution 2:

If you allocate the array like this, it requires two calls to free, but it allows array[a][b] style syntax and is contiguous.

char **array = malloc(512 * sizeof(char *));
array[0] = malloc(512*256);
for (int i = 1; i < 512; i++)
    array[i] = array[0] + (256 * i);

See array2 here for more information: http://c-faq.com/aryptr/dynmuldimary.html

Solution 3:

This is easy assuming you don't need compatibility with the ancient C89 standard (among current C compilers, only MSVC and a few embedded-target compilers are that backwards). Here's how you do it:

int (*array)[cols] = malloc(rows * sizeof *array);

Then array[a][b] is valid for any a in [0,rows) and b in [0,cols).

In the language of the C standard, array has variably-modified type. If you want to pass the pointer to other functions, you'll need to repeat this type in the function argument list and make sure that at least the number of columns is passed to the function (since it's needed as part of the variably-modified type).

Edit: I missed the fact that OP only cares about a fixed size, 512x256. In that case, C89 will suffice, and all you need is:

int (*array)[256] = malloc(512 * sizeof *array);

The exact same type can be used in function argument lists if you need to pass the pointer around between functions (and also as a function return type, but for this use you might want to typedef it... :-)