I was wondering wether there is a way to include some html content inside another html using only html?

A replacement to PHP's

<?php include("file.php"); ?>

Is this possible?


This has brought up some confusion, what I needed was "almost an html tag" that had the functionality of including a html document in another.

Have you tried:

<object type="text/html" data="file.html"></object>

It cannot be done purely by HTML. (There are iframes, however, but I don't think that qualifies in this case.)

It can be done using JavaScript. You get the other file via Ajax, and place its contents inside an HTML element on the current page.

Shameless plug of a library that I wrote the solve this.


<div data-include="/path/to/include.html"></div>

The above will take the contents of /path/to/include.html and replace the div with it.

HTML does not have a feature to include additional content natively. However most web servers do have server-side include statements:
SSI in Apache

the only thing would be an iframe which is pure html. but you also can use javascript to get the page via ajax and include it into your dom hirarchy