Is there an equivalent to Adobe Creative Suite? [closed]

Adobe has the creative suite - are there any alternatives for Ubuntu?

As far as I know, there isn't such thing as a "Creative Suite". What you have instead are several alternatives to the different programs in Adobe's suite:

  • Gimp vs Photoshop
  • Inkscape vs Illustrator
  • Scribus vs InDesign
  • Tons of editors and IDE's (such as Netbeans, Eclipse or Bluefish; or Kompozer, which is a WYSIWYG HTML editor, or Bluegriffon which is its rewritten although harder to use version) instead of DreamWeaver
  • etc

Those programs might fulfill your needs individually. The thing that they miss, though, is the great integration between Adobe's suite products (same icons, same GUI, easy to share things between them and so on).

There is Ubuntu Studio which is an Ubuntu derivative that is made for artists.

It comes pre-installed with the following graphics tools:

  • The GIMP
  • Inkscape
  • Blender
  • Synfig Studio

And a bunch of other tools.

It is kinda like a creative suite as an OS.

If the linux equivalents like gimp, inkscape and scribus fail to meet your needs, why not install the latest version of WINE and run Adobe's own suite on your linux/ubuntu setup, but be warned things may get buggy although I have been running Photoshop without any problems for a while... Go here:

That is really a pity that Adobe didn't create the version for Linux. However I used Inkscape, Gimp and Scribus for my hobby graphics. But finally when I bought Adobe Creative Suite I don't want to go back. The truth is that Inkscape, Gimp and Scribus are superb, but CS is much beyond them. However I am sure that regardless if You master Inkscape, Gimp and Scribus or CS5 You can make astonishing stuff.

I have heard that Xara Xtreme is comparable to Illustrator and for now it is the best vector graphics soft for Linux. It did impress me, and I would reccomend it.